28 Jan Introduction to the Alaska-Tuf blog
Welcome to the first post of the Alaska-Tuf blog. Those of you that know me and the environments I frequent know I pride myself on good, quality outdoor gear to help keep me safe, comfortable and above all…to return me safe and sound to my home and family. Alaska has a unique way of separating good gear from bad and I have always felt my job has afforded me a unique perspective or ability to truly test outdoor gear. First I have spent more than 1500 hours a season in the field each summer for the past 23 years. This has given me a well-rounded perspective on what gear works and what gear fails in Alaska. My use goes beyond what a “weekend warrior” might expect and I am positive my standards are higher than the average user as my reputation as a host, professional and guide is a reflection of the gear I use. When many trips hinge on packing limits: whether it be what you can haul on your back, or what the airline or flight service allows you to pack, critical decisions regarding gear force you to bring only the best gear that works best for you. I am not doing a routine test, the gear I post is an integral part of my business. This blog is my effort to share with you quality gear that has worked for me. Plain and simple. If you see it on my blog, it must be Alaska-Tuf.