Alaska Fishing Blogs & Reports

- Mark's Blog - / 04.02.2013

        Learn more about Kenai River fishing.             { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "contentLocation": "Kenai Peninsula, Alaska", "contentUrl": "", ...

- Mark's Blog - / 28.01.2013

Welcome to the first post of the Alaska-Tuf blog.  Those of you that know me and the environments I frequent know I pride myself on good, quality outdoor gear to help keep me safe, comfortable and above return me safe and sound to my home and family.  Alaska has a unique way of separating good gear from bad and I have always felt my job has afforded me a unique perspective or ability to truly test outdoor gear.  First I have spent more than 1500 hours a season in the field each summer for the past 23 years. This has given me a well-rounded perspective on what gear works and what gear fails in