Views of the Kenai River
.gallery-image { margin-top: 1.75rem; } These pictures are taken from our riverside property using a panoramic camera to capture both upriver and downriver views. We hope you enjoy seeing...
.gallery-image { margin-top: 1.75rem; } These pictures are taken from our riverside property using a panoramic camera to capture both upriver and downriver views. We hope you enjoy seeing...
It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of September and ultimately the close of the 2017 fishing season here on the Kenai. Quickly looking back, I think what...
Fishing Report August 20, 2017 Time sure flies when you are catching fish. It has been over a month since our last fishing report was posted and a lot of great...
Alaska Fishing report: July 9, 2017 It has been several weeks since our last fishing report and we are now entering what many would refer to as our peak season. Mid...
Alaska Fishing Report: June 15, 2017 Fishing on the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers is now into the second week of June. Both rivers are approaching their seasonal peaks for early run...
The 2017 Alaska Fishing season is officially in full swing here on the Kenai Peninsula. Although it has been a colder than normal spring for us here in south central...
Oddly enough, Pink salmon on the Kenai River return only on even years. The smallest and most abundant of the Pacific Salmon, Pinks or Humpback Salmon have a strict two-year...
Prior to this past season, it had been several summers since I guided for kings on the Kenai. With low returns and restrictions, we largely refocused our efforts on the...
An increase in hatchery fish equals red hot king fishing! If you are a long time visitor or resident to the Kenai Peninsula you can remember the Kasilof River back in...
Indeed, we are living in different times and social media is definitely becoming a huge player in how people communicate not only about life in general but also with hunting...
King salmon fishing on the Kasilof was as good in 2016 as we have seen in well over a decade. We are looking forward to more great action in 2017,...
2016 was definitely an encouraging year for Kenai River Kings. Both the early and late runs saw improved numbers as well as a good number of larger kings. We proudly...