Sockeye Salmon

- Mark's Blog -, Bears, Dolly Varden, Fishing Reports In Alaska, Fly Out Fishing, Halibut, Kasilof River, Kenai Kings, Kenai River, King Salmon, Pink Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Red Salmon, Salmon Fishing, Silver Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Steelhead, West Cook Inlet / 11.01.2019

After 28 seasons guiding on the Kenai River, you would think the summers would blur together.  Remarkably, each season has proved to be surprisingly unique and 2018 was definitely no...

- Mark's Blog -, Bears, Dolly Varden, Fishing Reports In Alaska, Fly Out Fishing, Halibut, Kasilof River, Kenai Kings, Kenai River, King Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Red Salmon, Salmon Fishing, Silver Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, West Cook Inlet / 13.12.2017

The 2017 fishing season on the Kenai Peninsula and surrounding waters was excellent overall.  It featured very few lows and countless highs and will be largely remembered as a rebound...

- Mark's Blog -, Bears, Dolly Varden, Fishing Reports In Alaska, Fly Out Fishing, Halibut, Kasilof River, Kenai Kings, Kenai River, King Salmon, Pink Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Red Salmon, Salmon Fishing, Silver Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Steelhead, West Cook Inlet / 08.01.2013

Welcome to our Alaska Fishing and Kenai River Headquarters. This page is designed to assist our guests in researching all aspects of Alaska fishing. From the Kenai Peninsula, to the...